February 23, 2012


It's official. I am withdrawing Gunner from daycare at the recommendation of the pediatrician since he has been catching every single bug, virus, and disease under the sun. Thankfully that doesn't involve me having to quit my job entirely. I have someone substituting for me until August or September when the new school year begins. At that time I will be able to enroll Gunner since they accept one year olds. I enjoy spending time with Gunner, and I am very thankful to be in a position to be able to stay home with him a little longer, but I also have the "What in the world am I going to do for seven months?" feeling. I guess I need to start doing research to see if there are any Mother's groups in Central Louisiana. I don't want to be confined every single day like I was before!

I foresee many a trip to the zoo in my future. Luckily he will actually be able to enjoy it if we do go. It was really hard going anywhere when he was younger!

I'm off to reheat some of that Crock Pot BBQ Pulled Pork for supper tonight! I hope everyone has a good night!

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