February 23, 2015


These past few weeks have been nuts. Gunner and I have been taking turns being sick, work has been so stressful at times that I can't even deal, and the progress on the construction of our house has come to a grinding halt. Our plumbing has backed up, we've fixed it, our microwave broke, we bought a new one... Etc... Like I said. NUTS! Mentally I'm fried.

I've welcomed the past two ice days with open arms. It's been a much needed time to wind down from the latest series of unfortunate events. 

Planning for the future is so hard. It's even harder when you feel trapped. I feel like we are never going to get out of this house. The construction is never ending, and sadly, all this house has become is a money pit. It has almost ruined me of ever wanting to buy a home again.

I know things will get better eventually, but I have to admit, being positive is feeling next to possible at the moment.