Here recently I've actually been kind of busy (yay!) ... I've been trying out all kind of new from-scratch recipes (homemade tortillas, homemade bread, homemade blueberry muffins - all of which have all been a success). I've also been catching up on that dreaded thing called laundry... UGH! If I had the money to hire someone to come over just to do laundry, I would do it in a heartbeat! I don't mind loading and unloading clothes into the washer and dryer, it's just the folding and putting away that gets really annoying. Especially having to do it repeatedly!
Today I had to pack up more of Gunner's clothes, and pull out the 6-9 month clothing because my chunkers is getting so big! He is so tall for a 4-month-old! At our doctor's appointment yesterday, we weighed in at 16.6 pounds and 26 inches tall. He's growing up so fast; it kind of makes me sad.
My mom called me today and told me that she and my dad will be looking at small portable buildings to hold the supplies for our business! We are opening a business that specializes in event rental decor (tablecloths, chair covers, vases for centerpieces, and more) as well as custom decor (handmade favors, custom centerpieces, etc.) for events in the Central Louisiana area. We are trying to build our inventory as quickly as we can for the grand opening! We are sooooo close, so keep an eye out for a blog post saying we are officially open for business!
On that note, How much would you be willing to pay for event decor (wedding, birthday, or otherwise)?
June 24, 2011
June 15, 2011
Help! I'm Running Out Of Stuff To Clean!
The past few days have been a blur of monotony. I wake up at 7AM, feed Gunner, make breakfast, take a nap with Gunner, feed Gunner, go for a walk, go for a drive, come home, Gunner takes a nap, clean the house while Gunner sleeps, feed Gunner, eat lunch, play with Gunner, start supper, wait for Eric to get home, feed Gunner, eat supper, give Gunner a bath, clean up the kitchen, feed Gunner one more time, put Gunner to bed, and play around on the computer or watch movies. I really need something new to jazz up our routine needless to say. I enjoy spending time with my little fellow, but I get so bored once he falls asleep. I stay relatively busy, but I'm becoming even more compulsive about cleaning than I was before.
I'm trying to think of things to do while not spending tons of money. I'm considering getting my head start on Christmas this year by getting all the materials to make the gifts. EVERYONE is getting handmade items this year. GOOD handmade items of course. The years before Gunner, we blew anything and everything on Christmas gifts. Unfortunately, this year will be a little different. On the other hand, I love to create things and would love to find my inner creative goddess once again. I feel like I lost it once real life happened. Nothing like having a baby to help find it again!
I'm trying to think of things to do while not spending tons of money. I'm considering getting my head start on Christmas this year by getting all the materials to make the gifts. EVERYONE is getting handmade items this year. GOOD handmade items of course. The years before Gunner, we blew anything and everything on Christmas gifts. Unfortunately, this year will be a little different. On the other hand, I love to create things and would love to find my inner creative goddess once again. I feel like I lost it once real life happened. Nothing like having a baby to help find it again!
June 8, 2011
Ho Hum
Today was relatively uneventful. Woke up this morning, fed Gunner, played with Gunner, napped... Then we did it all over again! In between all the eating, playing, and napping, I did my Carmen Electra Striptease workout video, played on the computer, did a lot of obsessive cleaning around the house, and hunted for wasps. You heard me. Hunting for wasps.
Over the past week, two wasps from I don't know where just all of a sudden appeared. One flew into the living room where I was sitting; I ran outside as quick as I could until Eric killed it. The second one I almost stepped on last night when I was checking on Gunner. It was just kind of hanging out on the hall floor. It almost looked dead, but it most certainly twitched when Eric was beating it with my shoe! Anyone who knows me, knows I cannot stand wasps. I will take spiders and cockroaches over a wasp anyday. I have never been stung by one, but they really freak me out! They are scary looking!
Well, we have finally solved this whole neighbor-cat problem. Eric built him an outside pen (with a roof and everything). He actually looked quite content in it. So now when he isn't in the house, he is in his homemade cat-pen (and we no longer have to deal with the crazy anti-cat lady anymore)! Yay!
I think I'm going to try to sleep now. Hopefully Gunner will rest better than he did last night, poor baby. In the meantime, I added my Deviantart to my navigation above! Here you can see and order prints of all of my non-portrait work! If you decide to check it out, I would love to hear feedback!
Over the past week, two wasps from I don't know where just all of a sudden appeared. One flew into the living room where I was sitting; I ran outside as quick as I could until Eric killed it. The second one I almost stepped on last night when I was checking on Gunner. It was just kind of hanging out on the hall floor. It almost looked dead, but it most certainly twitched when Eric was beating it with my shoe! Anyone who knows me, knows I cannot stand wasps. I will take spiders and cockroaches over a wasp anyday. I have never been stung by one, but they really freak me out! They are scary looking!
Well, we have finally solved this whole neighbor-cat problem. Eric built him an outside pen (with a roof and everything). He actually looked quite content in it. So now when he isn't in the house, he is in his homemade cat-pen (and we no longer have to deal with the crazy anti-cat lady anymore)! Yay!
I think I'm going to try to sleep now. Hopefully Gunner will rest better than he did last night, poor baby. In the meantime, I added my Deviantart to my navigation above! Here you can see and order prints of all of my non-portrait work! If you decide to check it out, I would love to hear feedback!
Eyeing Memories Give-A-Way!
Everyone head over to Eyeing Memories and enter Elizabeth Nafe's awesome give-a-way! After doing one required entry telling her your favorite product at (along with the option of doing 7 other entries) - You will be entered for a chance to win 25 Business Card Magnets from ! It's an awesome opportunity so don't miss out!
June 6, 2011
I Am Going...
To clobber an old woman in the head! I am so sick of hearing my neighbor across the street whine about my cat being in her yard. I understand, to a certain degree. And she does work hard on her garden, I won't deny that. She just can't understand why we can't keep our cat in the house 24/7. We let him outside every once in a while as I refuse to put a litter box in the house again. We got rid of it about a month before Gunner was in the picture and it's not coming back. Funny thing is, Garfield isn't the only cat allowed to wander around the neighborhood. I've seen two cats in her yard before, a gray cat as well as a black and white cat - and they loitered for a good while. So why must I get rid of my cat? It's apparently not going to solve her problems! My husband, Eric, told her that we were doing what we could, ie. Doing our best to keep an eye on him when we do let him outside which is difficult with an infant, and trying to figure out a temporary place for him until we move outside the city (I use the term city very loosely - We aren't throwing our cat into traffic). Eric even told her that we do not have any room in our house for a litter box, which we don't because we live in a tiny 800 square foot home. Gunner's room was the former litter box room, and we just don't have the room anymore. He also said that we wouldn't put a litter box in the house because of the baby to which she responded, "What about my flowers? I'm sick and old and work hard on my garden" Lady, compared to my little man, I could care less about your stupid flowers (no offense to flowers which are lovely). We are doing what we can, end of story.
Speaking of my little man, we had a rough day today. He just refused to nap and was a total fussbudget all day long! I hope tomorrow is a better day...
Before I log off for the day, I would like to plug a very plug-worthy photography site whose owner also happens to be from the wonderful state of Louisiana like yours truly :) Elizabeth of has such stunning work! Check out her awesome site and photography!
Speaking of my little man, we had a rough day today. He just refused to nap and was a total fussbudget all day long! I hope tomorrow is a better day...
Before I log off for the day, I would like to plug a very plug-worthy photography site whose owner also happens to be from the wonderful state of Louisiana like yours truly :) Elizabeth of has such stunning work! Check out her awesome site and photography!
I Heart Faces Weekly Challenge - From A Distance

This picture I am entering in this challenge is one of my new favorite pictures! It features my mother-in-law and my baby boy :) ... I do what I can to capture pictures when family members visit, and this one conveys such strong emotion, I had to enter it!
Tagged In ::
I Heart Faces,
Weekly Challenge
June 4, 2011
How the time does fly!
It seems like only yesterday my little man came into this world. He will be 4-months-old soon ... Today I started bawling at the thought of my little guy growing up. I want to freeze him at this age so I can always snuggle him and see his face light up when I enter the room. There is always the negative nancy in me saying this won't last forever. Soon I'll be the bane of his existance, a background noise always telling him what he can and can't do. It almost makes me sad. But for now, I will enjoy my little enjoy my little fellow and not worry what tomorrow will bring. He will always be my precious little man! ♥

June 3, 2011
Recipe - Vinegar Disinfectant
This recipe is great for those who want to save money or live a more chemical-free lifestyle. There are so many harmful ingredients in today's cleaning products - Don't even get me started on the prices! This recipe is so simple, you will wonder why you weren't cleaning with it before!
- White Vinegar (buy a big jug of white vinegar for storage to save even more $$)
- Water
- Tea Trea Essential Oil*
- Spray Bottle
Fill half of the spray bottle with water. Fill the remaining half with white vinegar. Add a few drops of Tea Trea Essential Oil with an eyedropper.
See? It's that easy!
*Tea Trea Oil has anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It has been proven to treat moderate acne, head lice, dandruff, and warts.

- White Vinegar (buy a big jug of white vinegar for storage to save even more $$)
- Water
- Tea Trea Essential Oil*
- Spray Bottle
Fill half of the spray bottle with water. Fill the remaining half with white vinegar. Add a few drops of Tea Trea Essential Oil with an eyedropper.
See? It's that easy!
*Tea Trea Oil has anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It has been proven to treat moderate acne, head lice, dandruff, and warts.

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